Heya folks. No B.L.O.G. post this week as normally scheduled. Instead here's a Christmas treat. The film Santa Claus Conquers The Martians is truly a legendary genre film favorite and it's one that I like to watch every year if I can. It's a public domain title so there's lots of cheap versions of the DVD out there (cough, Dollar Deals, cough), but today I bring it to you streaming courtesy of the good people over at youtube. Enjoy your Christmas everyone, and I hope you get everything you wanted. I'm sure I'll have a great day, and one of the best presents I got this year is a group of great readers like you folks. I'll see you back here Sunday for another pick from the Grab Bag as the New Year draws near.
I always watch the MST3K version every year, and now it's on DVD as well (I previously had my own DVD burned from a Comedy Central Broadcast). It wouldn't be the holidays without Torg and Droppo!