Teen Wolf on the Brain Again So A Song is In Order!

For some reason I just can't get Teen Wolf off my mind. I know this is supposed to be B.L.O.G. day, but I was too tired to write that up honestly. Instead I sat down and composed what Teen Wolf always needed, a folk song. My wife writes songs and I had tried valiantly to get her to write one for me, but since that failed I had to do it myself. Let me know what you think. It's got music to it so if folks like the lyrics I'll record it for ya. Anyway, back tomorrow with a real review. Until then....

The Ballad of Teen Wolf

It wasn’t that they didn’t like him
It was more that they didn’t care
But that’s all gonna turn around
With the addition of some hair

Twelve and oh for the season
AndThe team plays like buffoons
But everything’s gonna change
If we just keep waiting on the moon

Oh, Teen Wolf
Please help us
Oh Teen Wolf
You’re so cool
Oh Teen Wolf
We were so, so very wrong
Oh Teen Wolf
Please save our school

Well it runs in the family
So Scott’s like dear old dad
There’s so many questions
Like what shots had he had

But he’s feeling so cool now
And he’s in with the crowd
Getting dates with the hot chick
And howling out loud

Oh, Teen Wolf
Please help us
Oh Teen Wolf
You’re so cool
Oh Teen Wolf
We were so, so very wrong
Oh Teen Wolf
Please save our school

But maybe he’s just that cool
And Just a scruffy beast
After what went down at the dance
They should neuter him at least

In the end he learned a lesson
And he got finally sweet on Boof
Just because you’re a Teen Wolf
All your problems don’t go poof

Oh, Teen Wolf
Please help us
Oh Teen Wolf
You’re so cool
Oh Teen Wolf
We were so, so very wrong
Oh Teen Wolf
Please save our school


  1. That is amazing, and I commend you sir for giving Teen Wolf its proper musical due! However, the real question is, when you going to write one for Teen Wolf Two?

  2. f'n CLASSIC. I love this song. You've gotta record it!
