Classic Christmas Horror VHS Covers

Heya folks. This week for It Came From Video Tape I've tracked down a bunch of covers for Holiday horror films. Hope you enjoy, and come on back and see us tomorrow for more Christmas goodies.


  1. I am such a sucker for sweet cover art, that god damned ELVES cover is drawing me in again even though I am certain it is going to be shitty

  2. TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT is the only I'm not familiar with--though I do remember the VHS cover. The first SILENT NIGHT DEADLY NIGHT cover is a classic!

  3. Oh Carl, Elves is indeed shitty, but it does have Grizzly Adams fighting a Nazi Superelf. So, you know...

    I love the blandness of Silent Night, Deadly Night 3's cover art because it's so perfectly fitting for the actual film. Although it would have been nice to see Bill Mosely with his brain covered by a clear plastic dish.

    Silent Night, Deadly Night 5's cover wins it for me.

  4. I need to see Elves ASAP.

  5. I love all these old covers, but Elves does seem to stand out. I managed to finagle a copy, and I've got a review of it coming up Saturday so you'll have to wait until then to see what I thought.

    I've never made it to Silent Night Deadly Night 3. I'm doing Number two for It Came From Videotape next week.

    Rev- To All a Good Night I've never heard of either. I found the box looking for Christmas covers, and now I'm going to need to see the film.

    For me, there's something about the Christmas Evil box art. It's so bad. It's so cheap. And I love it.

    Thanks for the comments one and all.

  6. Excited for your review of Elves! I haven't seen it since I was a kid, but I somehow end up referencing it at least once a month, mostly because it's about Nazi created superelves. I just wish it were a better movie.

    The Christmas Evil poster art here is cheap, but I'm a big fan of some of the other images I've seen for it. They have this very old fashoined xmas decorated feel that's so appropriate for that film.

    SNDN 3 is just so damn dull. I reviewed it last week and aside from starring a before-they-were-somewhat famous Laura Harring and Bill Mosely (plus a dude with a fabulous early 90s perm and gorilla haired chest) it's not worth your time.

    I too have never heard of To All a Good Night, but I'm glad to hear there are at least SOME xmas horrors for me to tackle next year!

  7. the sneering (homo-phobic) snobDecember 16, 2009 at 4:27 PM

    I like the one with the gorgeous chick on the cover, Merry Christmas pal.

  8. Wow, I had no idea there were that many Silent Night Deadly Night sequels.

  9. flavours dougherty fixed sectortarget barometer senassistant artsdest interviews improving deter levanta
    masimundus semikonecolori

  10. @ Emily " I just wish it were a better movie." I kind of do and kind of don't.

    @Snob- I could have guessed. Have yourself a merry christmas Mr. snob.

    @ Pax- me neither. When I looked it up I was a little shocked.

    @ Anonymous random words to you as well spam poster.

  11. I'm pretty psyched to read more about ELVES... I can't remember if I've ever heard of this flick before or not. Bring it on!

    And the original SILENT NIGHT DEADLY NIGHT chimney image is my holiday computer screen-background. Somebody made a really neat-o wallpaper outta it online!
