The Halloween Top 13 Gets Re-Imagined In October.

Hello folks. Now that October is here; it's time to start planning Halloween festivities. For me, that means planning for the 3rd Annual Halloween Top 13. As usual I will be counting down thirteen of my favorite scary gems starting October 19th and running right through to the big day. Now anyone can count down great horror films, I should I know. I did it back in the original Halloween Top 13. Then I came back the next year and counted down all the best follow ups in Halloween Top 13: The Sequel. That left me only one way to go this year, and I will fully admit that it took a year for me to get ready for the task. I literally made my first notes on November 1, 2009 when I scribbled down a few films and the note, Halloween Top 13: The Remake!

And so my creature was born. Well, at least I got the first few parts for it. Over the last year, I have poured over dozens of horror remakes, even a few sequels to horror remakes (those scarred me for life), coming to a decision on what films will make up my monster and what is too rotten to use. I can tell you this. There are sure an awful lot of rotten remakes out there too, but what I can't tell you quite yet is what the best ones are, but maybe you can tell me.

As with every year of the Halloween Top 13, I like to include all my loyal readers and fellow bloggers in the fun. Each day along with my countdown post, I like to include someone else's picks. You can feel free to pick as many or as few as you'd like (13 is quite a task for those daring enough), choose to elaborate or nearly enumerate, but no matter how many I get I promise to publish them all. If you have a website or link you'd like to include, please attach it with the list. Mail all your Halloween Top 13: The Remake lists to , and I hope everyone is ready for a scary, scary October!

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