My Cinematic Alphabet

Recently my pal Rupert Pupkin turned me onto this Meme that's been going around. I've seen a number of my pals (such as the Deadliest of Dolls) post theirs, and so I thought it might be a great way to start the week. So here goes....

A is for Aguirre, Wrath of God 

B is for Blood Feast 

C is for Cat in the Brain 

D is for Dagmar's Hot Pants

E is for The Eyes of Laura Mars 

F is for From Russia With Love 

G is for Goodfellas 

H is for Hellraiser 

I is for Idiocracy 

J is for J-Men Forever

K is for Kill, Baby, Kill

L is for Logan's Run

M is for Mallrats

N is for Nick Danger and the Case of the Missing Yolk 

O is for Ocean Drive Weekend

P is for Pray for the Wildcats

Q is for Quills 

R is for Robocop

S is for Susperia 

T is for Time Bandits

U is for The Untouchables

V is for Vertigo 

W is for Wild in the Streets

X is for X:The Man With the X-Ray Eyes

Y is for Young Doctors In Love

Z is for Zorro, The Gay Blade

Ha! How's that for a way to start a week. See you all tomorrow with more stuff!


  1. Well done sir! OCEAN DRIVE WEEKEND and NICK DANGER have not been seen by me, need to correct that!

  2. Indeed, though it might be a chore, OD Weekend is long out of print off a VHS release from Troma. My copy of Nick Danger isn't even that tape I posted, I have a version from Night Flight that I'm still hanging onto.

    You've seen J-Men Forever then? If so you know the true origin of The Lightning Bug. Hrmm, must return to my base on the moon, change costumes, and hash gas a few people while I sort this out.

  3. I knew "V" would be Vertigo... And Zorro takes me waaay back- yay!! ;)

  4. @Christine- V could only be for Vertigo (I watched it again the other day.) Is it healthy being obsessed with a movie about obsession, probably not, but it sure is fun! See you around these parts in a couple of days Ms Hadden.

  5. Thanks Bugg for introducing me to Dagmar's Hot Pants, I'm officially intrigued.

  6. I'm not sure if I have seen J-MEN FOREVER actually. Thought I had upon 1st glance, but upon further review maybe not. Another added to the list!
