The Halloween Top 13: The Devil Made Me Do It

That's right this Halloween Top 13 the Bugg is kickin' it with Satan. From October 19th - 31st, I'll countdown 13 of my favorite films filled with devils and demons. After years and years of hearing (from misguided peoples) how Halloween was some kind of satanic holiday, I've figured that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I don't want to go so far as to actually join them. (Gross.) So instead I thought that confirming their worst fears would be way more than enough. Of course, as with every year, I don't want do all this counting down on my lonesome. For this fourth annual tradition to be a real success, I need you loyal Lair-ers to pitch in. Each day along with the review (or separate for your HT13 Overachievers), I like to include a list of your favorite films in the same demonically possessed theme. So send yours in today to thelightningbug (AT) to join in. Feel free to list as many titles as you want (up to 13) or as few, elaborate or merely list, draw a picture if you must, but please do join in.

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