What is Movemeber and Why Is There a Bugg In It?

Halloween is finally behind us, resting in its October grave for another 365 days, and with it, the Bigger and Badder monsters and all the assorted horrors of the spookiest of months fall into the LBL Vaults. Now we come to a month that means many things to many people. Fall is completely in swing and the leaves begin to fall. Thanksgiving is hanging around in just a couple of weeks, and that means that Christmas isn't too awfully far behind. November also brings in another important event, one I will be taking part in this year. Sometimes called No Shave November, the event known as Movember was originally founded by Australians in 2003. There were only 30 of them that participated then, growing out their moustaches, or Mo's in the Aussie parlance, and collecting funds from their friends to donate to Prostate and Testicular Cancer research and initiatives. In 2011, that number had grown to 854,000, and it had also spawned a number of spin off groups in other countries with a similar purpose. Here's a little blurb from Movember to tell you a little more specifically what the event is about 
During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces, in the US and around the world. With their Mo's, these men raise vital awareness and funds for men's health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancer initiatives. Once registered at www.movember.com, men start Movember 1st clean shaven. For the rest of the month, these selfless and generous men, known as Mo Bros, groom, trim and wax their way into the annals of fine moustachery. Supported by the women in their lives, Mo Sistas, Movember Mo Bros raise funds by seeking out sponsorship for their Mo-growing efforts.

So what does all this mean for the LBL this month? It means very simply that I will be both participating in the Movember event myself and joining in here at the Lair. While I am clean shaven today, the banner up top has sprouted quite a 'stache overnight, and throughout the month I will be turning the reviews toward all the best moustaches ever on film. So expect to see some Burt, some Sam, some Charlie, some William, maybe a dose of Franco, and many, many more of the mustachioed men of cinema. All I ask is that if you like what I am doing, please throw a few dollars in the donation jar which you can find by clicking on the "'Stache is King'" button at the top right. I've set a goal of $200.00 by the month's end, and I know you loyal Lair-ers will do your part. Every dollar, half dollar, quarter dollar, etc. all helps.

I'll kick things off tomorrow with a review of a tough, mustache sporting fellow, but the real tough fellows out there are the ones who are fighting men's health issues like testicular and prostate cancers. While I have never known anyone personally with these issues, I have suffered from some health issues of my own in the last year. This gave me pause to think about the fact that I am getting older, and my health, and the health of all my pals, should be a concern. Hopefully, by raising awareness and donations for research, none of my friends or readers is every touched by these kind of issues. So while I do my small part, on my face as well as here at The LBL, I hope some of you will join me. Even if you can't donate, please, help me spread the word across the web by reposting this to your blog or social network. Thank you all for your time, and the next time you see me, I'll be helping make flavor savors into life savers.

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