I just can't hold my excitement any longer. As August has officially started, I want to kick off The Lightning Bug's Lair's 5 Year Anniversary by announcing a monthlong series of articles by some of my great friends who just happen to be some of the best genre film writers from across the internet. It's an honor that so many of these guys agreed to write something for the series, and I can't wait to tell you who they all are. First, let me tell you a little about what they will be doing. Anyone with love for genre film of any form knows how it is to have their favorite genre, director, motif, or lifestyle in general dismissed by someone with more mainstream opinions or with a narrow minded view. As Lair readers know, I embrace all facets of genre film around here, and that's what these authors do as well. Yet each of them has a special something I know is near and dear to them that I've asked them to write about. The feature is called Why (Genre) Matters, and every few days starting soon there will be a new article by one of these writers filling in the blanks. While the poster contains some clues as to what you'll be hearing about, I won't tip my hand as to who is doing what just yet. I do, however, want to introduce you to the great lineup of writers that I've put together.
Christine Makepeace, Editor and Writer Extraordinaire of Paracinema Magazine
Kristy Jett: The Queen of Sass, Horror's Cheerleader, and The Person You Benefit From Knowing!
Matthew House: The Man, the Myth, the Force behind Chuck Norris Ate My Baby
Nigel Maskel: My Welsh Blood Brother and The Mastermind Behind Italian Film Review
Todd Cauley: The Gentlemen's Blog To Midnite Cinema's Quick Draw Master & Movie Scholar
Christine Hadden: A Sweet Gal Who Loves the Bloody Stuff, She's Got a Fascination With Fear
Justin Oberholtzer: From Parts Unknown, He's better known as The Cinemasochist!
Brian Saur: Known for Throwin' Down the Knowledge with Rupert Pupkin Speaks
If you don't know these guys, get to know them because they are eight of the best around. If you do know them, then I bet you can't wait to see what they have in store for you. I also have a lot more planned for you all this month as well. Here's a whole list of things I've got going on.
--A new post every other day as all the classic features from the past come back for one more installment. Will we see "Hauer You Doin?", "Terrifying Tuesday", "The Other Andy", or even an appearance by "The Grab Bag". You'll have to tune in your internets to find out.
--I'll be having dinner with someone very special, and the moment will be recorded for posterity. It's going to be a real surprise who it is, and it should be a great conversation.
--I'll be appearing on several podcasts in the next week or so including the inaugural edition of The Gentleman's Guide to Midnite Comics where I'll be joining some folks for four color talk. Then I'll be on The Fozzie & Tina Show to talk a little TV and specifically Orange is the New Black, one of my new favorite series. Lastly, but not leastly, I'll be appearing on The Gentleman's Guide to Midnite Cinema for a special show in honor of my fifth year and our long friendship and association. We're going to be talking De Palma's Raising Cain and the Aussie Rock Action Sci-Fi Comedy Sons of Steel!
--There's going to be other old favorites coming back like Deadly Doll's Choice where Emily and I have a hell of a movie swap on store. Plus, there's going to be a new installment of For the Love of Price from my best friend and yours Fran Goria!
--Not one, but two reviews of eagerly awaited Indie films from a couple of old friends of the Bugg.
--I'm probably forgetting things. Hell, I know I am. As all of these things come live, I'll update the links on this page so you can come check out all the posts, podcasts, and assorted shenanigans I have in store for you.
It's been a great 5 years, and it's going to be an incredible August!
Happy blogoversary! Now let us all raise our goblets to another five years of the Bugg!