Modern cinema is the marriage of sound and vision. So is David Bowie if you ask him, but that's an entirely different story. However, it is not merely the advent of the spoken word that made film into such a transformative experience. It was also the click of a woman's heels, the whip of the wind through the trees, the score rising as an awful sound denotes the ripping of flesh. These atmospheric elements are happening all the time as we take in a movie, and often we don't even realize that these tiny moments are pushing our viewing experience, making it come alive. Today's selection, Berberian Sound Studio exists in the behind the scenes magic that makes these kind of cinematic moments possible. It also engenders something of the dangers when they become all too real and the experience too visceral. It almost comes as no surprise that the particular genre of film being made at the titular studio is an Italian giallo.
The giallo is a style near and dear to my heart, and longtime readers of The LBL have surely heard me extol their virtues on many occasions. However, the central conceit of the film hinges more on the process of how Italian films, all Italian films were made. Recorded without live sound, everything was done in the studio. This both relieved the problem of a cast often made up of international actors, but it also made for easy refitting for a foreign audience. This process of orchestrating the sound of a film is what the lead character of Berberian Sound Studio, Gilderoy as played by Toby Jones, enters. His previous experience as a sound engineer had been with nature documentaries, and the letters home from his mother, who he seems to still live with, are filled with updates about birds rather than friends or relatives. From this solitary existence, he moves into another, the confines of Berberian Sound Studio, where little is to his understanding. With no knowledge of the Italian language, Gilderoy is often completely alone in a room with his colleges with only dials and knobs to twiddle. He also seems fearful of the violent content of the film, evocatively entitled The Equestrian Vortex, but as he continues to stab cabbage, rip radishes, and record piercing screams, the world of the film and the studio begin to blur.

This is where it gets tricky. I actually watched Berberian Sound Studio weeks ago, and it's been on my mind ever since. I had questions I wanted resolved, and I felt like I must have missed clues or bypassed some understanding. So I watched it for a second time, and while I was still struck by the visuals, the delicate editing, and the performances, the film's conclusion is wobbly at best. The last ten minutes devolve into a fever dream that may contain some ultimate message or clue to the events that transpire, but they seem completely opaque to me if they are there. This lack of clarity at the end of the film, when everything had been so pitch perfect beforehand, left me again a bit bewildered. It only barely takes away from the experience that Berberian Sound Studio offers. There is little to compare the film to that isn't the material that it is paying homage to (as well as the Argento nod in the embedded film's plot, there's also a Foley artist I believe is meant to resemble Lucio Fulci, and an unseen black gloved projectionist), but that is not a bad thing. Fans of Italian horror should definitely take note, and I think anyone who finds the magic and mystery of filmmaking fascinating will find something to take away from Berberian Sound Studio.
Bugg Rating
Toby Jones is an ugly British tosser.